Fundamental Astuteness

The Essence of Astuteness: Non-Partisan Intellectual Honesty

Archive for the ‘Neologisms’ Category

A New Word: Astutelessness

with 3 comments

I, the author of this blog, love words. Especially new words, and even better, words of my own ingenuity (or stupidity).

So today I crafted a new word: (BTW: The official, dictionary way to say that one has crafted a new word is to say that someone has created a neologism)

Astutelessness: (possessive adj). ‘illogical’; ‘lacking astuteness’; the possessive form of a word meaning ‘lacking in astuteness’ (His [possessive subject] astutelessness [adjective] cost him dearly) used to describe words, actions, politicians, and other public figures who say, do, or endorse things that appear to lack logical consistency and compatibility with science, philosophy, political theory, and logic.

Actually, I just thought of a corallary word to the new one above:

Astuteless: (adj): Meaning all that which applies to the word “astutelessness”; different only in form/usage in sentence. (“My typing speed is so fast I make many mistakes, which is very astuteless”)

As I am typing this, I just noticed that the wordpress spell-checker doesn’t recognize the word ‘blog’ and ‘wordpress’. How astuteless. A blog server’s spell checker doesn’t recognize the word ‘blog’ and the name of its own server?

I think I will use this word often in the future when describing public policy issues.

I like this word because it is better than others available. I don’t like to use the word “Stupid” when referring to people, or when writing a piece in general. It is rather unprofessional, sarcastic, and can give the appearance of ranting or exasperation when it would be better to substitute a word that has a little more grace and courtesy.

That is how I want to define our new word “astutelessness’. I might use it to refer to politicians, preachers, or regular people, but I don’t mean it in a derogatory sense. I mean it as a thoughtful, reserved, and measured way of saying that some parts of an idea or position don’t quite make sense logically. No arrogance, spite-fullness, etc. Just…


Written by Astuteness

February 21, 2008 at 8:03 am

Posted in Neologisms, New Words